March 14, 2024

On the 14th of March took place the Move At Work’s second conference in Brussels, entitled “Towards Sportive and Eco-Responsible Companies: Presentation of the Projects Run4Div and M@W.” This event was a collaborative effort in partnership with the Run for Diversity project, aiming to delve into the intersection of corporate sports, diversity, and environmental responsibility.

Throughout the conference, attendees had the opportunity to explore the objectives and impact of the Move at Work project, gaining valuable insights into its role in promoting physical activity and inclusivity within corporate settings. The event proved to be an enriching experience, featuring distinguished speakers who shared their expertise and perspectives on these critical topics.


Among the speakers, we were honored to welcome Floor Van Houdt, Head of the Sport Unit at the EU Commission, and Cedrik Colinet from the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2024. Both speakers offered invaluable insights into the ongoing efforts and priorities of the Commission and the Belgian Presidency regarding sport and physical activity. They highlighted the pivotal role of sport in fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion within corporate environments, emphasising its potential to drive positive change on a societal level.

The conference provided a platform for fruitful discussions and exchanges of ideas, with participants engaging in dialogue on strategies to promote active lifestyles, encourage diversity, and enhance environmental sustainability within companies. By bringing together stakeholders from various sectors, the event facilitated collaboration and synergy, laying the groundwork for future initiatives aimed at creating healthier, more inclusive workplaces.

(Left to Right) Teresa Garcia Pastor – Chantal Collet – Peter Busuttil

As the Move At Work project continues to advance its mission, events like these serve as catalysts for change, inspiring collective action and driving progress towards a more sportive, diverse, and eco-responsible corporate landscape. Stay tuned for more updates on our ongoing efforts to promote corporate wellness and sustainability.

Brussels, March 14-15, 2024

On the 14 and 15th of March, partners of the Move At Work project held their 5th steering committee meeting in Brussels, hosted at the offices of FESI and Sport & Citizenship. The meeting served as a pivotal moment for partners to assess the project’s advancement and prepare for forthcoming initiatives.

Among the key agenda items was the comprehensive review of the criteria for the WAC certification. Leveraging the expertise of partners such as the European Federation For Company Sport, the University of Copenhagen, and Evaleo, the consortium refined the certification process to ensure its efficacy and relevance in promoting workplace activity.

EFCS also announced the certification of the first company of the year in March, marking a commendable achievement in fostering active and healthy workplaces.

A notable contribution emerged from Copenhagen’s University, which presented a comprehensive report on the evaluation and measurement of the impact of physical activity policies within companies. This insightful study promises to equip the consortium with valuable tools to aid companies, institutions, and employees in promoting physical activity within the workplace.

Looking ahead, the consortium outlined ambitious plans for its major end-of-project initiative: the development of a website and a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) aimed at both newcomers and experts in the field of corporate sports. With a vision of creating a sustainable tool that can be used at the European level, the platform seeks to promote and facilitate corporate sports participation across the continent.

Following the steering committee meeting, the consortium participated in the conference titled “Towards Sportive and Eco-Responsible Companies: Presentation of the Run4Div and M@W Projects,” in partnership with the RunforDiv project. This collaborative effort underscores the partners’ commitment to promoting physical activity while also advocating for environmental sustainability within the corporate sector.

As the Move At Work project continues to evolve and expand its reach, stakeholders are encouraged to stay engaged and informed about upcoming developments. With a shared dedication to fostering active and healthy workplaces, the consortium remains steadfast in its mission to promote corporate wellness throughout Europe.

Our next meetings will take place in May 2024!

Stay tuned