Project summary 




Of employees perceive sport as a pull factor: “you want to work there!”



Of companies carry out sports activities in a professional context.

Move at Work 

The project 

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, Move at Work – M@W is a three-years European project led by the European Federation for Company Sport – EFCS.

Move at Work (M@W) is the follow-up project of WAC – Workplace Active Certification rewarding professional organisations implementing physical activity for their employees.

The main objective are to:

  1. Develop tools that promote and educate on the benefits of implementing physical activity in the workplace
  2. Support public and private organisations in integrating physical activity strategies into their business’ policy
  3. Consolidate the workplace active certification and adapt the needs based on end-users analysis


  • Creating an online platform and a digital educational programme (MOOC) to educate, train, and democratise the implementation of company sport.
  • Hosting conferences: one held during the European Company Sport Games in Bordeaux (in June 2023), and another one in Brussels in 2025, in order to introduce major outcomes and results of the project.
  • Creating and organising a network of company sport ambassadors and major stakeholders.


Project background

The WAC project, for Workplace Active Certification, was a two-year project which followed the path of a previous Erasmus+ Project, EMoCS – European Meeting of Company Sport. The EMoCS project (2018 – 2019) showed the need for a unique certification highlighting companies’ promoting wellbeing, wellness, and health through physical activity.
Today, the Active Workplace Certification programme is under the auspices of the European Federation for Company Sport.

Local and European policy-makers are dedicated to promote healthier and better lifestyles to tackle the unacceptably high level of sedentarity in Europe. WAC acts as a true driver in the promotion of health-enhancing activities.